Partnership with Denner 2021
Denner is aware of its environmental responsibility and has incorporated the careful handling of natural resources into its corporate principles. In the context of the partnership, Denner has set ambitious goals for making a significant contribution to sustainable development in terms of environmental issues and consumption.
Denner has also been a member of the Swiss Soy Network since 2017 and is committed to ensuring that soy production does not take place at the cost of tropical forests or other regions of environmental value.

Denner is the first retailer in Switzerland to sign the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). With its commitment to the SBTi, Denner set ambitious targets to achieve the CO2 reduction path by 2035. In addition, Denner exceeded the plant emissions reduction target set with WWF.
Air-freighted fruit and vegetables
Denner has set itself the goal of having no fruit and vegetables air-freighted by 2020. Measurement is based on the number of items delivered by air. The scope is the Denner fruit and vegetable assortment.
In 2021, no products were air-freighted anymore.
Comment: With their commitment to the Science-Based Targets Initiative, Denner will evaluate all other air-freighted items in the overall context of Scope 3-emission goal.
Reduction of Scope 1-2 emissions in accordance with the SBTi
Denner has set itself the goal of reducing its Scope 1-2 emissions to 18'642 tCO2 by 2022.
In 2021, emissions were already reduced from 21'586 (2018) to 15'607 tCO2.
Comment: Denner has initiated various measures to achieve the SBTi targets. Among other things, the installation of PV systems on the roof of the distribution centers in Lyss and Mägenwil reduced emissions to a greater extent.

Share of credibly certified wood and paper products (own-brands)
Denner has set the goal of having 100% of the wood and paper products under its own-brand produced from recycled or FSC materials. This is measured as the share of turnover of the own-brand range. Credible certifications are FSC and Recycling. The scope comprises all Denner own-brand products including wipes, nappies, sanitary paper, office supplies, and printed matter, including promotional products.
In 2021, 100% of the paper and wood products under Denner's own-brand were certified with credible standards.
Share of credibly certified paper products (third-party brands)
Denner has set the goal of 40% of credibly certified paper products from third-party brands by 2022. Credible certifications are FSC and Recycling. Measured is the share of procured products as a percentage of third-party brands. The scope comprises all third-party brand products including wipes, nappies, sanitary paper, office supplies, and printed matter. No other certificates (e.g. PEFC on the products).
In 2021, 55% of the paper products from third-party brands were already certified with credible standards.

As a WWF partner, Denner has committed to not offer any endangered species, gradually phase out recommendable sources, and to continuously expand the proportion of recommendable labels. Denner has set the goal of sourcing 100% of the total seafood range from recommended or acceptable sources according to WWF, and steadily increasing the proportion of fish and seafood with organic, ASC and MSC certificates.
The proportion of recommendable or acceptable sources of the total seafood assortment according to WWF
Denner has set the goal of sourcing 100% of the total seafood assortment from recommendable or acceptable sources (very recommendable, recommendable, or acceptable according to WWF) as of 2018. This is measured as the percentage of turnover of the total seafood assortment. The scope comprises all articles with a mass component of seafood >1% (own-brand and third-party brands, including promotional products).
In 2021, 97.2% of the overall seafood assortment came from very recommendable, recommendable, or acceptable sources according to WWF.
Comment: For organizational reasons, the devaluation of existing items during the year was determined too late. These were: Clams, Cod, Skipjack Tuna and Squid. Upon discovery, the items were immediately delisted and internal processes were adjusted.
Increase of the share of turnover of fish/seafood with organic, ASC, MSC certificate
Denner has set the goal of increasing the share of turnover achieved with fish/seafood with an organic, ASC, or MSC certificate to 77% by 2022. It is measured as a percentage of the total seafood assortment turnover. The scope comprises all articles with a mass component of seafood >1% (private label and third-party brands, including promotional products).
In 2021, the proportion of organic, ASC, or MSC-certified fish/seafood was already 80.3%.
Comment: In the past year, Denner continued to consistently push ahead with the changeover to recommendable labels, managing to already exceed the set target.

Denner has decided to only use RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certified palm oil in own-brand products. For third-party products, Denner has undertaken to write to its suppliers/manufacturers with a request to switch to 100% physical RSPO palm oil.
Proportion of certified palm oil in near-food and non-food own-brand
Balance RSPO Palm Oil in its own-brand production of near-food and non-food products through to 2022. The accepted standards are RSPO IP, RSPO Segregated, RSPO Mass Balance, and Bio Suisse. Measured is the share of certified palm oil in total consumption of private label production in the near- and non-food sector. The scope comprises Denner private-label brands with a mass component >2%.
In 2021, Denner continued to meet the goal of using 100% certified palm oil in near-food and non-food own-brand products.
Physically sustainable palm oil in own-brand food
Denner has set the goal to increase the share of physically sustainable palm oil (RSPO IP, RSPO Segregated, or Bio Suisse certified) relative to the overall consumption for own-brand production in the food segment to 100%. The share of articles is measured.
The scope comprises Denner own-brand products with >2% mass share.
In 2021, Denner had already converted 100% of products.

Denner has set the goal that its own brands of cocoa, coffee, and tea should also only be sourced from sustainably certified sources.
Proportion of cocoa products with a sustainability standard in own-brands
Denner has set the goal of sourcing 100% of the cocoa in Denner’s own-brand products from sustainable, certified sources by the end of 2022. The number of relevant cocoa products with a sustainability label is measured against the total number of relevant cocoa products. This proportion is specified as a percentage. A volume proportion of more than 2% of the product is considered to be a "relevant cocoa proportion". The accepted standards are Fairtrade, Bio (Suisse, Switzerland or EU), UTZ, and Rainforest Alliance.
In 2021, the share of cocoa from sustainable, certified sources in the own-brand range was already 100%.
Share of coffee with a sustainability standard in own-brands
Denner has set the goal of sourcing all the coffee in Denner’s own-brand products from sustainable, certified sources by 2022. The number of relevant coffee products with a sustainability label is measured against the total number of relevant coffee products, expressed as a percentage. A volume share of more than 2% of the product is considered to be a "relevant coffee share". The accepted standards are Fairtrade, Bio (Suisse, Switzerland, or EU), UTZ, and Rainforest Alliance.
In 2021, the share of coffee from sustainable, certified sources in the private-label range was already 100%.
Share of tea with a sustainability standard in own-brands
Denner has set the goal of sourcing all the tea (black, green, and rooibos tea) in Denner’s own-brand products from sustainable, certified sources by 2022. The number of relevant tea products with a sustainability label is measured against the total number of relevant tea products of the tea varieties listed above, expressed as a percentage. A volume share of more than 2% of the product is considered to be a "relevant tea share". The accepted standards are Fairtrade, Bio (Suisse, Switzerland, or EU), UTZ, and Rainforest Alliance.
In 2021, the proportion of tea from sustainable, certified sources in the own-brand range was already 100%.

Denner will continue to expand its offer of substitute products to accommodate customers who make a conscious choice to forego meat and milk products. In addition, Denner seeks to continuously increase the proportion of label products in their fresh range.
Increasing the number of milk & meat substitute products
Denner has set the goal of increasing the number of milk and meat substitute products to 120 by 2022. This is measured by the number of products. The scope comprises is the entire Denner product range.
In 2021, Denner already had 214 milk and meat replacement products (V-Label products) in its range.
Comment: Denner has strongly promoted the expansion of vegan and vegetarian alternative products. Despite marketing and communication measures, demand is very low.
Increasing the number of label products in the fresh range
Denner set the goal of increasing the share of items with acceptable standards in their own-brand and third-party brands in their fresh range (i.e. dairy products, meat and sausage products, bread, fruit, and vegetables) to 14% by 2022. This is measured as the number of relevant items relative to the total number of items in the fresh range. The accepted standards are Fairtrade, Bio (Biosuisse, CH or EU), Rainforest Alliance, IP-Suisse, UTZ, MSC, and ASC.
In 2021, the proportion of acceptable standards in the fresh range was 13.2%.
Comment: Denner has strongly promotedstrongly with the expansion of its label products, especially in the IP-Suisse area.